Digital Garden

I like the idea of writing with the garage door open. I write notes to help myself a year from now. But if I publish an obscure thing that helps someone do something cool, I wouldn’t complain.

Our natural fear of being judged leads most people to build, learn, and think privately. But seeking validation should not be the goal of learning in public.

~ Anne-Laure Le Cunff

My sites are hosted in my Homelab, these notes are written in Dendron. I publish the site using Hugo.

Plain text is wonderful. It allows me to easily find ideas, references, links, personals notes, tasks, thoughts and everything else I want to keep handy. Even short jots and thoughts deserve their space.

Being useful for me is the primary use case for this space on the internet. It’s not that I don’t care about you, but this is for me. It’s here so I can record what I think and know and preserve it in time and space.

It’s my garden, but I’m happy for you to hang around and eat tomatos with me.

In it’s current iteration, digital gardens take active effort on the part of the reader to wade through links to related pieces of content. This is very unlike a real garden: you don’t have to be an expert at horticulture or garden design to appreciate the overall landscape. You can easily engage with many different levels of a real garden at the same time, telescoping in and out at will to first examine the minutae of informational placards or specific plants and then returning to a broad perspective of the scenery as a whole.

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